Wednesday 23 January 2013

Any Questions? :-)

Hi everyone!

Things are going really well at the Brighton Arts Centre; word is slowly spreading that I'm there, and so many exciting things are happening!  I'm planning on building a little grotto so that there is privacy when I do a reading.  There will be fairy lights and little charms for sale that will be blessed to bring luck and good fortune.  There are so many lovely talented people there, it's going to be an amazing experience!  I hope to see some of you there!

As for the Tarotscope, I've decided it's not the best option.  My skills lie in face to face and online reading with a photograph, and I think the Tarotscope is a little too general.  And if the cards aren't relevant to you, you will be disappointed and may not want a proper reading with me.  They will, believe me, be helping someone of your sign out there, but I will no doubt be judged on my readings.

Instead, I will happily answer any questions that any of you may have.  Countess Pasha du Valentine, proprietress of the Club, asked me about being a Witch, and how it was relevant to my readings, so I'll answer this one today.

I have read the cards since I was a teenager.  I got my first cards, the ones I still use, when I was about 16.  Of course reading does not come instantly, and I began by reading the printed explanations of each card, and trying to make them make sense.  A few years later I met a lovely lady who was an expert at reading, and she taught me to ignore all of the books and explanations.  She showed me how to really look at the card.  How did it make me feel?  What was happening in the card?  To this day I still see different things in the same cards I have been reading for 30 years!

Then, about 5 years ago, I became a Witch.  No, I do not belong to a coven.  I am an Eclectic Solitary Witch, which simply means I choose what I want to believe.  I am most interested in our Pagan ancestors, what they did and how they practiced in pre-historic times.  (This is why I have a small statuette of the Venus of Willendorf on my table.  The original is about 25,000 years old, and she fascinates me.)  Of course we can't and never will know what the ancients did, but they have left so many intriguing clues and artifacts that their ways are not completely lost to us.  So when it comes to practicing, I do what my senses tell me is the right thing to do.

I began my journey as a Wiccan, as many Witches do, and there are still many of the Wiccan ways that I carry on.  The main difference is that I do not have an altar, which is central to Wiccan practices.  The few bits I had gathered are now on my reading table at the Club, and they give my readings strength and resonance.

Becoming a Witch has added a new dimension to my reading of the Tarot.  Being a Witch means learning to control the energies all around us, of the earth, the sea and the universe.  By channeling these energies into the cards, my readings are much more accurate, and I have learned to trust my instincts.  Recently during a reading, I drew the Two of Cups, which depicts a man and a woman facing each other, each grasping a cup.  At that particular reading I noticed the swell of the woman's dress, and immediately told the lady I was reading for that a baby girl was about to be born.  She shook her head, mystified... but about a week later sent me a message saying a niece had just had a little girl.

Also at the Club I will be doing Witchboard readings with a pendulum.  A Witchboard is another name for a Ouija board, and my pendulum is the first pentacle necklace I wore after I became a Witch.  The board has 'yes', 'no' etc, and by dangling the pendulum over these and seeing where there is activity, the answers will come.  I am not offering these online at the moment, but stay tuned!  And it is perfectly safe - my little grotto, and indeed the whole Club, is a blessed and protected space.

For the next month, while I am finding my swing (if you will) with the Witchboard, I will be offering these readings at a cut price of £10.  This offer is for the remainder of January and the month of February, so get in quickly before the price goes up!

Thank you for reading this, and if any of you have questions, please leave a comment or email me at

Brightest Blessings


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